What: This function loads the page associated with the inputted page_number parameter.
Example: Using the command page_load(2) will load the second page as set up in Grid Editor. You can also use the functions page_next()andpage_previous() as described below to switch to the next and previous pages by using the commands page_load(page_next())andpage_load(page_previous()) respectively.
What: This function returns the number of the next active page. Next in this case meaning the page with the number X+1 where X is the number of the currently active page. If the currently active page is also the last one, this function will return 0.
Example: Writing print(page_next()) into a Code Block.
What: This function returns the number of the previous active page. Previous in this case meaning the page with the number X-1 where X is the number of the currently active page.