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For Loop


The For Action block will repeat the Actions within its bounds a set amount of times. You can set the amount of repeats on the block header or you can open up the block to specify all parameters of the loop like starting and end values or setting the iterator.

Opening up the For Action block reveals all parameters controlling the numer of repeats.


When opening up the block with the small switch on the header the following 4 parameters become visible:

  • Variable is the name of local variable the loop uses for its repeats;
  • Initial value is the value the above variable will start at when the Event runs;
  • End value is the value of the above variable hat sets when the loop should stop;
  • Increment is the value the variable increases or decreases by on each loop.

The above parameters set how many times the for loop will repeat the Actions within, and will display the number of repeats on the header.