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28 docs tagged with "Action Block"

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14-bit MIDI

This Action Block will send out a MIDI message to the host on an Event trigger. This is the highres 14-bit MIDI mode.

Button Mode

With a Button Mode Block it's possible to change how many steps a button has to take to move from its minimum value to its maximum.

Code Block

A Code Block is a special type of Action Block that makes it possible to program complex actions with the help of lua scripting and specific Grid variables and functions.


The Color Block changes the color the LED of your choice when this action runs.


Comment blocks are used to create comments in Editor for creating notes and general comments. These comments are saved onto Grid when the configuration is stored.

Element Name

Element Name Blocks are used to name the Control Element configuration in Grid Editor. These names are stored with the configuration and therefore are saved in both Presets or when Store is pressed.

Encoder Mode

By default encoders are set to absolute mode. In this mode, encoders act like potentiometers, with a MIDI value range 0-127. With the help of Encoder Mode action, you can change the encoding to relative.

Endless Mode

By default endless are set to absolute mode. In this mode, encoders act like potentiometers, with a MIDI value range 0-127. With the help of Encoder Mode action, you can change the encoding to relative.

For Loop

The For Action can be set with incremental steps in a loop.

Gamepad Button

The Gamepad Button block allows Grid to send gamepad button press messages to the host computer.

Gamepad Joystick

The Gamepad Joystick block allows Grid to send gamepad joystick axis messages to the host computer.

Global Variables

Global Variables Block allows you to define Global Variables in a nice Block format, instead of doing them in the Code Block.

If, Elseif, Else

The If Block serves as the most basic logic operator for Grid Editor. When using such a Block you're able to create additional conditions for running actions in case of an Event trigger.


The Intensity Block changes the light intensity the LED of your choice when this action runs.


With the use of a Keyboard Block Grid is able to send keystrokes to the host computer as a physical keyboard would.

Local Variables

Local Variables Block allows you to define Local Variables in a nice Block format, instead of creating them in the Code Block.


This Action Block will send out a MIDI message to the host on an Event trigger. This is the standard 7-bit MIDI mode.


System Exclusive MIDI message Block or SysEX Block for short, change your MIDI Blocks into SysEx mode, where you can both enter SysEx values based on an instrument's specifications or use variables calculated in the Action Chain.

Mouse Button

This Mouse Button Block allows Grid to send mouse click messages to the host computer.

Mouse Move

This Mouse Move Block allows Grid to send mouse move messages to the host computer, letting you send even scrollwheel messages.


This Action Block will send out an NRPN MIDI message to the host on an event trigger. NRPN allows precise control over devices via MIDI.

Potentiometer Mode

This Potmeter Mode Block is able to make a potentiometer more sensitive by increasing the value range it's working with or by chaning the bit depth of the values the analog signal is translated to.

Self Variables

Self Variables Block allows you to define Self Variables in a nice Block format, instead of doing them in the Code Block.

Start Animation

The Start Animation Block allows the LED intensity to change over time, making the LED blink in some form or another.

Stop Animation

This Block simply stops an already playing animation on an LED layer.

Timer Start

The Timer Start Block allows you to create a timed trigger for the Timer Event. These Blocks can be used for both the global and the ui versions of the Timer Event.

Timer Stop

The Timer Stop Block allows you to end a Timer early, before its clock would run out, triggering a Timer Event earlier.