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More about: Character limit

Actions can be freely added to an Action Chain of any Event up to a certain point..


There one limitation on the size of Action Chains. No Action Chain can contain more than 400 characters.

When you cross this limit and try to store your configuration or try to commit code, Grid Editor will warn you about it. You can also monitor your current charactercount in the debug window on the left.

Remember this is a per Event or per Action Chain limitation, so if you run out of space there are some workarounds to help you still fit into these limitations:

  • Once you're done with your Action Chain, try to Merge it to Code with the button above the Action Chain window. This usually results in an at least 10% reduction of characters.
  • Try to define variables elsewhere, ouside of the Control Element Event. Putting your Self Variable Block under the Init Event on the same Control Element is a great way to save some space!