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More about: Pages

A Page is the user facing 'memory slot' of the Grid hardware.

Pages are fully defined configurations stored in permanent memory on the Grid modules.

Each Grid module has 4 of these individual Pages for storing configuration information.

Here are some tips about creatig Pages for you

Each one of these Pages has a different setting by default, but you can change them however you like.

Creating a workspace

Giving each of the Pages on a module its own designated job, e.g. Page 1 controlling the filter parameters of a synth, while Page 2 acting as a mixer on the master track, is a good way to organize your Grid-based control surface logically.

Pressing the utility button on the side of the module changes the active Page by calling the page_load(page_next()) nested functions, which first checks the index number of the next Page (0-3) and the loads it. This will switch to the next Page and initialize its Events. You can check this behavior by looking at the default configuration of your module under System Events/utility.

You can also customize this behavior to your liking, here are some examples by Kristof: